Report on the Mission Angelina Jolie as an ambassador of goodwill on the UNHCR website


Angelina Jolie took a break in the filming for a trip with his companion of Life Brad Pitt to the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina, to draw the attention of politicians and media to the distress of 113,000 Bosnians and 7,000 refugees from Croatia. These people were forced to leave their homes due to the violent breakup of the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s, and many of them are in the centers of collective accommodation, often in terrible conditions. And Angelina was touched by the strength of the spirit of the people whom she met, and she pledged Put their cases for consideration on the fore. Most of the people with whom she said were away from home for more than ten years. Many of these children were born in exile, and have never seen their homeland. Jolie began her first trip to Bosnia and Herzegovina, visiting the dilapidated center of collective accommodation in the eastern part of the city of Gorazhda, which is located on the Drin River and is under the protection of the UN, the enclave of the entire war of 1992-1995.

Jolie and Pitt visited another center for the collective residence of displaced persons in the horns, where the inhabitants told a couple of daily difficulties, including the lack of basic services, such as water supply. "After I met these people and heard their stories, I can't overestimate the need to focus on the well-being of the most vulnerable people from the population," Jolie said, adding that "we can promote progress and long-term stability, stopping the movement of people and ensuring their high quality of life. "

Among these "most vulnerable persons" there was a group of internally displaced women, who during the war they had to move much. Meanwhile, while Pitt went to talk with the male part of the family, Jolie personally talked to women. After the meeting, Jolie said that they told her about what they had to endure before the escape in Gorazhda during the war, including rape and torture. "I have a body, but there is no more soul in it," one woman said. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are the most influential pair in Hollywood, they are always under the sights of the movie cameras and their trip with the UN Mission will attract the attention of politicians and the media to the problems of refugees from the former Yugoslavia.

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