Test for real experts: Can you guess the serials on one frame?


On quarantine, the number of serials viewed by us exceeded all possible norms. Some have become real fans of domestic and foreign films, revising them several times. And if someone needs to see several episodes of even a familiar TV series to remember his plot, it will be enough for professionals to look at the screen and only to determine exactly on the screen on the screen.

With the help of our test, each viewer will be able to determine how well he knows foreign TV shows and can one project from another can be distinguished from each other. Passing the test to the end, you will either experience the real pleasure of the possibilities of your visual memory - either put the target to watch each show more carefully, without losing any details on the screen.

Give the exact and correct answers to 11 questions from our test, determine the depth of your knowledge in the category of serials and get an expert assessment of your knowledge. And if something needs to be improved, take advantage of this opportunity under self-insulation and quarantine.

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