Megan Fox is obsessed with astrology


"I met with the director of the picture Jennifer Wesfeldt. She came to me home, where we talked about the film. In fact, we talked to her four hours. We talked about the film, but also about astrology - I usually have people with conversations on astrology. She met with several actresses before me, but I felt that I was like no other suitable for this role. "

Fox also told that she hopes to return his fans, playing in the comedy "Friends with children," where she intends to show what she is capable of as an actress to stop perceiving as a beautiful face and sexy body.

"Most people imagine me as a charming girl in motorcycle boots, which also fights for the preservation of the world, said Megan, apparently, referring to the film" Transformers "- brilliant lips in the middle of the desert."

"But these are unreal people. In the picture "Body Jennifer" I played a crazy, eating people. I portrayed the egocentric snow queen, which is not. Perhaps if people see me in this role, it will allow me to become more humane in their eyes, people will start thinking about me differently. "

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