Test: Who are you from psychopath characters in the cinema?


The history of cinema does not know the shortage of bright madmen - sometimes terrible and disgusting, and sometimes - ingenious and attractive. But what exactly can not be denying heroes from the screen - it is in charismaticness. After all, nonsense is not good for women. And the boys are trying to copy the chairs of brutal superslodes.

Some stories scare us, others are fascinating. Third - forced to look for the features of the kinheroev in our acquaintances. And in some of these madmen, we will find out yourself with the fading heart. However, you should not be afraid, because not all criminals are psychopaths. And not all psychopaths become criminals. And scientists and at all argue that each of us, without knowing, is facing several real psychopaths for their lives.

Pass the test and find out exactly which madness lies inside you. Maybe today will you be the role of Dzhareda's distraught Hero's love? Or will you be a featuring doctor of psychiatric sciences? And maybe it turns out at all that you and your best friend is the same face?

Try to answer the test questions extremely honest and pay attention to the trifles. After all, the devil, as you know, lies in the details.

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