Sobchak glanced in Norilsk residents with Maldives comparison: "It's a shame"


It is known that for Ksenia Sobchak is very important to be discussed person. And what exactly is about her in the press and on the network, judging by the heroes of her interviews and posts, the case for the journalist is secondary. Here and your next holiday in the Maldives used Ksenia for what would be remembered again - now with indignation.

It would seem that it is special that the rich special has placed pictures from an expensive resort in a personal profile. Here it is all in white plotted on the seat of the yacht, and the picturesque panorama of the coast is spread behind her back - white sand and green palm trees. For these photos of stars, users of the network have long been accustomed.

But Ksenia was not limited to only his own self-satisfied images - she supplemented them with a provocative commentary with a frank table of snobism, and, of course, ran into criticism.

"Celebrate the Lord of Successful and Lucky People who celebrate the anniversary wedding in such beautiful places. And those who say "fly for a long time for two days," I can only answer: "You simply did not lead a wedding in Norilsk, you have nothing to compare with something," the TV presenter noted.

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Many of her subscribers in their comments did not hide their own irritation and stressed: it's funny when a person who considers himself "successful and lucky", works at the same journey on other weddings.

"Even somehow hurt for Norilsk," what about not very successful? Cynically sounds! "," A little correction: Celebrate the Lord and Horg-Shakhtarov, and Norilsk Rudopov, who make these people successful and lucky, "Internet users indicated Xenia.

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They also recalled, as during the election presidential company Sobchak assured that she was very worried about the hard life of ordinary people. And now it is obvious: it's just words, in fact, Xenia draws little attention to how people live, who do not fall into her circle of "successful and lucky".

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