Test: How strange you?


What is generally considered strange? Or an unambiguous concept for all does not exist? Maybe everyone itself determines what is oddity, and, accordingly, what person can be considered strange? Most likely, it is. And it depends on what circumstances and at what environment, a person or another has lived. For each of us there is their understanding of all sorts of different things. Someone sees in the fountain just a fountain, a beautiful scenery for the mouth of the eyes, and for someone it is primarily the water in which you want to jump or just squeeze your hands. One might think on the second that he is strange, since it does not understand that the essence of the fountain is not to go swimming in it, and the second, of course, will think that the strange is the first: after all, water - there is water, wherever She would not flow. And so happens to everything in the world. Of course, there are also generally accepted concepts, the departure from which anyone will make it strange, but here almost the same as in the first example, only here everything is a little larger. Did you ever consider yourself strange? Or maybe now you think? Is it so? Maybe you thought it up? Pass the test "How strange you are?" And check it out.

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