A pleasant of Chopra is experiencing because of a pandemic: "Husband diabetic, and I am asthmatic"


In a new interview with CNBC, Chopra has shared his thoughts and alarms about the coronavirus pandemic.

"This is a very disturbing time. My husband [Nick Jonas] is a 1-type diabetic, and I am asthmatic. In addition, Mom lives with me now, and I constantly feel myself at work, as if I am responsible for a hundred people. I am very, very seriously treating a pandemic. Especially after her consequences began to manifest themselves - not only the problems with the health and death of many people, but also problems with work and stability in general. A pandemic for many brought huge changes and put forward inequality between people and the poor. This is a very emotional time. It's scary, "a pleasant shared.

Now 38-year-old actress is located in England. She says that there are still strict rules there, and every day she has to take a test for Cake.

"But, since we are actors, we work with each other without masks. We have such a job. It is scary because you never know what. But I have already finished work in two projects and took up the third, this is a TV show. I understand that people now consume a lot of content, and someone must produce it. So I returned to work. But still a little scary, honestly, "said Chopra.

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