Miro called four signs of the inevitable divorce Sobchak


Lena Miro published an article on his blog dedicated to TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and her spouse, director Konstantin Bogomolov. According to Miro, the pair will soon wait for the divorce.

Blogger is sure: Sobchak demonstrates the behavior of "Women before divorce". The proof of their words, Miro leads four arguments.

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So, for example, according to the blogger, Sobchak "sees" his spouse and does not trust him. Celebrity is sure: this is a typical behavior of women, "not confident in the future of their marriage."

"A woman, the preintegrating divorce, tecking out for her husband everywhere: and fishing, and on football, and to the store building materials, and even in Perm," said Miro.

The second reason is indicated by the blogger - excessive processing of pictures, published Sobchak on social networks. Miro believes that this is due to uncertainty.

In addition, the celebrity notes that the TV host loves to be offended too much. According to the blogger, it proves its complexes. The last reason for Miro considers the "enthusiasm" Sobchak with her husband.

Blider is confident that all these four signs prove that in the near future Sobchak and Bogomols are divided. None of the famous couple did not comment on this publication on the network.

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