Jennifer Lawrence in Io Donna magazine. March 2012.


About whether it is ready for great changes : "Yes, I am ready. But at the same time, also scary. How can you feel ready for what you do not know about? I'm afraid".

About the beginning of his career : "This happened according to a pure chance. I was 14 years old, and we were in New York with my mother. They just stood on the sidewalk and watched the street dancer when a guy came up with a camera and asked for permission to take a picture. "Why not?" Mom easily agreed easily. In New York, anything can happen. A week later I was called home and invited to act in advertising. In the end, I became a model. But it did not inspire me too much. And my agent told my agent all the time: "Do you want to be a successful model or hungry actress?" For God's sake, I have never doubted a second. "

The reason for such a stunning success of "Hungry Games": "We live in a world that is obsessed with a reality show. We use personal tragedies to entertain the public, and try to shock people to succeed. "

About how she sees himself in a few years : "With a family in which there will be many children. Acting is my work, but it's only a small part of my life and, definitely, not the most important. What is really important for me is to create a strong relationship. "

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