Tom Hanks and Matt Damon showed children's costumes to Halloween


Tom immediately stated that he came to this show not to advertise his film "Cloud Atlas", and talk about his heritage "Live Legend." He wanted to focus on children and a holiday. But all the kids that appeared on the show were dressed in the costumes of his famous heroes. Tom tried to deny the obvious, pretending that the volleyball ball had anything to do with the film "Exposure": "This basket is so easy to do. Surely, you have a volleyball ball. Or you can steal it from the local school. And draw your face. I I do not want to talk about my career. She speaks for himself. And besides available on DVD and Blu-Ray. " The presenter was already in rage due to tomatinity of Tom, when Suddenly, Matt Damon appeared in the studio, dressed as Private Ryan: "What is happening, Hanks? You asked me to come, said it for charity. I could sit drunk at the cinema now. , swearing the film "Operation" Argo ".


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