Star "Doctor Who" Christopher Eccleston told how fought with anorexia on the shooting show


Eccleston is struggling with anorexia and dismortion - mental disorder, because of which a person is convinced that there has a certain body defect. In fact, he is imaginary, but people with such a disease are prone to severe depression and closure.


People like it, as I look in the series, but in fact, at that moment I was very sick. A peculiar reward for this disease. I always considered my own dirty secret, because I am from the north, I am a man, and I am from a simple working family,

- Posted by a 55-year-old actor.



In 2015, the situation with the psyche of Eccleston aggravated the divorce, after which he even tried to impose on his hands, but in time lay down in a specialized clinic.

To this day I sit on antidepressants. Of course, I would like to reduce the dose to turn out to be in the real world. And yet it is funny that my life has become much better when I started taking pills,

- said Christopher.

Recall that Eccleston appeared in only 13 episodes of the series "Doctor Who". According to the actor, he felt very uncertainly because of the illness, so the producers lost faith in him.

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