The era ends: CBS announced the date of the final series of the "Theory of the Big Explosion"


According to the ENTERTINMENT WEEKLY edition, the final episode will last an hour to give the audience the opportunity to say goodbye to his favorite heroes. Producers still do not share the details that fans will be shown in the last series of the show, but the actors of the "Theory of the Big Bang" told about their expectations. They agreed with fans in the fact that the creators are obliged to fix the elevator. "This is one of my main desires. Let the elevator be repaired for a minute, and then we all stuck in it, "said Jim Parsons. Kayley Coco agreed with a colleague and considered that such an ending for the show would be the best. The executor of the role of Leonard Johnny Galeki simply hoped that the final episode would be full of emotional moments, because none of the actors at the shooting could hold the tears, and this should be justified by the plot.

The final series of the "Theory of Big Bang" will be released on the screens on May 16 on the CBS channel. Fortunately, Sheldon Cooper fans, for them, farewell with the show will not become final parting with the hero. On the same day, the last episode of the second season of the "Children's Children", which has already extended the third and fourth seasons.

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