Film crimits called the top 10 best youth series of all time


Those who were born in the eighties and early nineties, probably watched or at least know the names almost all the series included in this list - critics quite reasonably included such hits "for centuries" as "Beverly Hills, 90210", "Buffy "," Bay of Dawson ". The most "old" on the list turned out to be the "guy to know the world" (1993-2000), and the most "young" - "single hearts", which started in 2003. A newer youth series - the type "Gossip", already mentioned "Riverdale", "cute liars" - there were no places in the list of the best.

The surprise was the appearance in the list of "wiretaps" - the series, which is positioned as a criminal drama; Critics, however, considered that the "wiretap" perfectly reveals the "reverse direction" of the life of adolescents and young people on the streets of large cities.

Here is what the list of best youth TV series of all time is completely:

"Waste" (2002-2008)

"Lonely Hearts" (2003-2007)

Daria from MTV (1997-2002)

"My so-called life" (1994-1995)

"Buffy - Vampire Fighter" (1997-2003)

"Show 70s" (1998-2006)

"Beverly Hills, 90210" (1990-2000)

"Dawson Bay" (1998-2003)

"The guy will know the world" (1993-2000)

"Hooligans and Botany" (1999-2000)

Ultimative nostalgia: 50 screensavers of the series 90s:

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