Adele caused a wave of perturbation for jokes about sex tourism in Africa


Recently, Adel took part in the shooting of the comedy Sketch for the Saturday Night Live show. In it, she and actress Kate McCinnon jokingly advertise vacation in Africa. Many people liked that Adel demonstrated his abilities to comedy, but some did not like it that the actresses hinted at sex tourism in Africa.

First, in the video, they talk about the "sun, the sea, mountains and other beauty of Africa." Then the semi-nailed black men appear in the frame, which go under hand with white women. And advertising accent shifts. Adele mentions "big bamboo trunks", then another actress appears, Neidi Garden, who says that he went to Africa after a divorce with her husband. Approximately the word "savage" is used here. Then Adel says:

I felt a deep, deep connection here.

And Heidi adds:

You can feel it in your stomach.

All these spicy conversations about African men called discussions on the net: users are unhappy with the "fetishization" of black men. "SNL! Stop fetishization of black men and women! "," I liked everything until the black guys appeared with white women ... I adore Adel, but it would be better if it did not participate in it, "it is insulting," users write in the comments.

However, many users stood on defending the actresses from Sketch and stated that they would not see anyone offensive in the roller.

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