Top 5 romantic film resources on the relationship "Outside Time"



After the end of World War II, Claire Rendall, together with her husband, goes to Scotland in search of peace and family happiness. However, this is not destined to come true: the mysterious stone henges move the heroine for two epochs back, in the midst of the struggle of the Scottish for independence from the British. To avoid torture and asked about who she is such, Claire is forced to marry a representative of a local clan, which turns out to be more romantic than it seems first, and more in love with our heroine than her husband from the future. Now, to return home, she is forced to fight not only with her life threatening circumstances, but also with feeling that this love is mutual.

Kate and Leo.

Top 5 romantic film resources on the relationship

Kate McCay is a surprisingly modern woman who has absorbed the rhythm of the life of New York XXI century and considers itself an independent, rational and resistant to any manifestations of "calf tenderness". Everything changes when her eccentric neighbor finds a way to get into the past and upon returning at one time accidentally grabbing the very duke of Leopold Olban: a charming young man, brought up on all the canons of the XIX century, which at the first acquaintance with Kate amazes her and even annoying His courtesy. "This does not happen," heroine thinks, and the viewers of the film are solidar, but only until the heart is melting from that sincere care and kindness, which is always so little in our today's life ...

Time Traveler Wife

Top 5 romantic film resources on the relationship

The story of Love Henry and Claire consists of short-term meetings after long periods of separation, because it is a person with a rare genetic disease, chrononehead, which makes him involuntarily travel in time. Henry does not know when he will move to his past next time or the future, but in one he is sure: in any time, Claire will be waiting for him - a cute girl, a beloved girl or a faithful spouse. But her life goes only forward, and every date with Henry for his beloved is full of both the joy of meeting and sorrow of separation, because in the depths of the soul, the heroes know that any of their dates can become the last.

Lake house

Top 5 romantic film resources on the relationship

Kate Foster, leaving the favorite house by the lake due to moving to Chicago, leaves a message in the mailbox to the new owner who are talented, but the architect Alex Wailer disappointed in life. The correspondence is tied between the heroes, during which mysterious coincidences and contradictions in the stories of two people about the same house lead to an obvious fantastic conclusion: the girl lives in reality of 2006, and the young man - 2004. It would seem that the difference in a couple of years of life is a surveillance obstacle to the heroes who are passionate about each other and they only need to agree on a date in the future, but in reality they share something more than the time ...

Back to the future - 3

Top 5 romantic film resources on the relationship

Fantastic trilogy about the grasses of Marty McFlary and a scientist Emmette Brown (he also dock), first of all, attracts a famously swirling story about travel travel, unrestrained action and sharp humor. However, in the final film, a place and romance appeared: now, when the main characters are trying to survive on the Wild West, the dock meets a charming teacher, Clara Clayton, in which he falls in love with first glance. It is this connection that is like a "insane scientist", traveling in time, and a young woman from the XIX century, which reads the novels of Jules Verne, gives a special, romantic charm of the film, which was perceived earlier only as an adventure fantastic comedy.

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