Video: Lindsay Lohan teaches dances from the pole


In the film "I know who killed me" Lindsay played a stripper. Of course, for the sake of the role she had to learn several techniques. And now the actress is fond of this dance direction. Therefore, Alan Carr asked to teach him several movements. However, the host himself performed the impressive dance at the pole ... well, or almost performed.

Lindsay shared his thoughts about the rehabilitation rate: "Sometimes I had to go to the medical center because of court proceedings. But this time I just wanted to allocate time for myself. More meditation and work on yourself." The actress admitted that he did not remember when the last time was used alcohol: "During the shooting of the show, I met someone and I wanted to drink. I was worried and did not want to tell anything to the camera. I was scared as you will be perceived." Lindsay argues that she was still absolutely frank on the show, even when she did not want to: "Great, show something, what people can learn and themselves. I am happy that I did this show, because it can help someone -to ".

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