Vampire, Deadpool and Corpse: 6 Best Roles for Kristen Stewart in Marvel Marvel


Those times were held when the main subject of discussion regarding Kristen Stewart was its role in the "Twilight", an intrigue with Rupert Sanders and the famous "identical expression of the face." Journalists of the Cinemablend edition remember the rather impressive range of Kristen's roles - from Ultra-Americans to the very recent Lovekrafiant horror "underwater" - and believe that the next logical step for Stewart is to join the film marvel. Cinemablend picked up 6 superheroid from Marvel comic, for whose role Kristen would fit perfectly.

Dead Girl

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Dead Girl (Dead Girl), she is also a dead man, she is a munbime in Marvel comics, was one of the members of the Mutant Mutants of the Force. The superheroid prehistory is very suitable for Kristen: in the original comics, Mongbime was an actress that another actor killed, "and it was the death of" awakened "her mutant abilities. In fact, Munbim is a semi-azombie, capable of regenerating very quickly and exist without food, water, sleep and oxygen.

Lilith Dreyk

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A peculiar "return to the roots", because in the Twilight "Kristen the role of the vampire has ever been fine with. Lilith Drake in Marvel comics is a sort of "female version" Dracula, forever live vampire, almost like Morbiow (whom, recall, in the filmmoven Marvel will play Jared Summer), only without a "scientific" origin. Hate Lilith to Father made her superheroines and a member of a special chill detachment, consisting of supernatural creatures. The detachment, by the way, was called, well-friendly fans and film marvel, including, - HOWLING COMMANDOS).

Lady Dadpool (Wanda Wilson)

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Kristen Stewart with Ryan Reynolds is already familiar: they played together in the Dramati Park and Rest Park (2009), where their heroes had secret intimate relationships, and the most awkward. Equally embarrassing-romantic in Marvel comics got a meeting of Dadpula with his "Women's Alter-Ego" from another dimension - so Kristen with Ryan already has the appropriate experience. Stuart physical skills (especially after filming in the already mentioned "under water" and "Charlie Angels") do not take, and her sense of humor, she has a fairly suitable game, so it would be at least interesting for Kristen in the role of Dadpool's ladies .


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The Gear of the "Angels Charlie" from Elizabeth Banks was, to put it mildly, not too successful, but many film critics agreed that Kristen was almost the only bright spot of this film about the Trinity of the Secret Agents. Therefore, it would be interesting to look at another attempt at Stuart to play a spy - this time in the framework of Marvel universe in the image of Sage, mutant telepaths, talented hacker and masters of martial arts, assistants of Professor Xavier. By the way, Sage from the pages of comics on the screen has already twisted, "shutting up" in a long series of Fox "Gifted". But on the big screen, no one has ever seen this superheroine.


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One of the warriors of Kriya, Phil-Vell, more famous under the pseudonym of the martyr, managed to "try" the name of Captain Marvel in comics, and then joined the guards of the Galaxy - so to introduce this superhero in the narration in the framework of the film marvel will be much easier than the same Sage. In addition, how the journalists are Cinemablend, Phil-Vell in comics - an open lesbian, and who, if not Stewart, as openly spoke of his bisexuality, is able to cope better with this role?

Angela, Queen Hell

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Aldrift OneDotir, one of the most powerful Asgardians in the Marvel Universe, once debuted in Todd Makfarlene's comics about the spa. The fate of Angela on the comic pages was very rich and diverse: she "worked out" by the hired killer for Asgard, joined the guards of the Galaxy - and yes, as Phila-Vell, was an open lesbian, which automatically, according to Cinemablend journalists, makes it a win-win version For "transfer" to the big screen.

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