Jared Leto on Shaw Ellen Degensheres


Jared admitted that he did not look at the film "Dallas Club of Buyers", who brought him "Oscar": "I'll see him once. On the one hand, I am curious, but on the other ... it was such a tense job that it was better to postpone for me It's on the side for a while. " The actor could not stop touching his statuette, apparently not yet fully aware of what happened. Ellen as a joke asked if Jared fell asleep with Oscar. "Sorry, what? It's funny that in the morning near my house was full of paparazzi. Whether they wanted to congratulate me, whether they were interested in who, except" Oscar ", was in my bed at night. Sleep I lay only at six in the morning .. . Do not regret me. I had to celebrate. My brother was with me, and I wanted to see how my mother sailing with Madonna! "

The actor remained delighted with the way Ellen spent the ceremony. He especially liked joint photos and pizza. "Harrison Ford was sitting next to me. He was very hungry, so I took a big piece of pizza ... And he fell into his shirt. It's true! And I took the pizza and gave my mom. But she did not risk and postponed his piece" .

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