Winners of the AMMI premium -2013


The list of laureates looks like this:

Best dramatic series:

"Breaking Bad"

Best dramatic actor:

Jeff Daniels - "News"

Best dramatic actress:

Claire Danes - "Alien among His"

The best diamatic actor of the second plan:

Bobby Cannavale - "Underground Empire"

The best dramatic actress of the second plan:

Anna Gann - "In all serious"

Best comedy series:

"American Family"

Best comedy actor:

Jim Parsons - "Big Explosion Theory"

Best comedy actress:

Julia Louis Dreffus - "Vice President"

The best comedic actor of the second plan:

Tony Hale - "Vice President"

Best Comedy Actress of the Second Plan:

Merrit Weaver - "Sister Jackie"

Best mini-series or television movie:

"Behind the candelabras"

The best actor in the mini-series or television film:

Michael Douglas - "For Candelabras"

The best actress in the mini-series or television film:

Laura Linny - "Big Letter" P "

The best movie actor in the mini-series or television film:

James Cromwell - "American Horror History"

The best actress of the second plan in the mini-series or television film:

Ellen Berstin - "Politics"

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