Star Marvel claims that the women's solo "Only a matter of time"


The death of the sampling of Bowness in August forced Marvel Studios to revise its plans regarding the second part of the Black Panther. The creators need to make a determining choice: either invite the role of T'kchalla to another actor, or transfer the title of black panther from some of the secondary characters. The first option is extremely unopullen among marvel fans, so there is a chance that the new Black Panther will be the sister of T'Curly by the name of Shuri, whose role is fixed for the flyishness of Wright.

In "Avengers: Final" Wright already felt the taste of superhero officials, taking part in a memorable stage, when many marvel female characters united to attack Tanos. This moment caused conversations that in the future Kevin Fayigs and companies should be released a separate film about the female team of Avengers. Wright with enthusiasm supports such an initiative, and in the fresh interview Yahoo Entertainment she said:

I do not think that we will have to deal with the implementation of this idea. [Executive Producer] Victoria Alonso firmly intends to promote this project along with Kevin. So the release of such a film is only a matter of time.

Wright also said that in his "dream team" she would like to see Danaj Guriro, Lupitu Niongo, Angela Basset, Tesza Thompson, and Bree-Larson.

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