Matthew Fox on Show Ellen Deadzhereshes


Matthew told his version of the events that led him to a lawsuit for the beating of a woman: "It was a very difficult year for me and my family. It's hard when you are accused of something that you did not commit. I never beat women in life. I did not beat and not. I'm just not like a man. " According to the actor, the woman was only a witness of the fight: "A man hit me in the face, I hit him in response - the fight was tied up. That woman was just nearby and decided to set out his version of events to stretch out of me. So it became a criminal A business. The prosecutors in Cleveland took Six seconds to understand that this is a setup and close the case. But then it went into a civil lawsuit, it was necessary to find witnesses, and it took a long time. Now everything in the past, the matter is terminated. And I can first Share your version of events. "

Matthew also told about the charges of drunk driving: "I am very ashamed for it. I completely take responsibility for drunk driving. I learned a lot from the program for those who first got drunk driving. From statistics I learned that 50 percent of drunk drunk fell for the first time, come across again. And I realized that I do not want to get into this statistic. It turns out that Matthew's friend died, hitting the accident drunk. So the actor promised to take very seriously to the happening and prevent repetition.

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