Experts called 50 best soundtracks for films of all time


Curtis Mayfield Soundtrack PitchFork has recognized the best at all times. The composer turned the history of the Narcodilera, gathering to tie with the crime after a major thing, in the real drama, in reflection on suffering and losses. Maifeld's album later turned out to be in the lists of the best musical records and had a significant impact of the development of rock and roll.

In second place is the soundtrack for the film "Purple Rain" of 1984, dedicated to the popular Prince's performer. The tape became not only one of the most cash offices per year of exit, but also received an Oscar in the category "Best Song Record to the Film".

Closes the top of the leaders of the soundtrack to the film "On the Needle" of 1996. According to experts, it reflects the "narcotic effect of the plot." At one time, the creators refused David Bowie and the Oasis group. Nevertheless, it did not prevent the creation of a soundtrack, which is still popular because "reflects the outbreak of the blind optimism of a young generation."

The top ten includes soundtracks to the following films:

"Superflia", 1972

"Purple Rain", 1984

"On the needle", 1996

"Thorny Way", 1972

"2001: Space Odyssey", 1968

"Do, as it should", 1989

"Translation difficulties", 2003

"Academy Rashmor", 1998

"For help!", 1965

"Criminal Chivo", 1994

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