Todorenko believes in marriage with Topalova: "Our love will last 103 years."


The popular Russian TV presenter Regina Todorenko has been happy in marriage with the performer Vlad Topalov for two and a half years. Artists raise a common son Mikhail, who was two years at the end of last year. And despite the fact that the spouses are married not so long, the star is confident that their relationship will continue for many more years. To his arguments, Todorenko shared on the net.

The 30-year-old TV presenter published an atmospheric snapshot in his microblog, which posed with her husband. Todorenko and Topalov imprinted during the January holiday at Bali. Spouses lay on a snow-white bed against the background of a juicy Indonesian greenery. Regina admitted that she believes in this marriage and ready to live with her beloved even more than a hundred years.

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Todorenko remembered studies of scientists who claim that most often love is similar to a chemical cocktail, on a slight insanity that lasts 3 years. "I still believe that our love will last at least 103 years old, and let it be madness, but how stunning you feel," the celebrity admitted.

TV presenter suggested subscribers to spend together time in order to raise the hormone level of happiness. As one of the options, Todorenko reminded movies about romantic relationships. "Music and movies about love enhance the release of oxytocin, dopamine, etc., respectively, if you really want new sensations, it would be good to watch a movie about love," summarized the televisions.

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