"Love is replaced by life": Todorenko spoke about marriage with topal


TV presenter and blogger Regina Todorenko on the page in Instagram published a touching video with his spouse Vlad Topalov. In a short roller, made on Bali, husband and wife spend time together on the villa, on the background they play their joint composition "Time zones". In the signature to the publication, Todorenko talks about its attitude to marriage, and also notes the author of the video, photographer Anastasia Belov.

"At the beginning of the relationship, ticking butterflies in the abdomen are very hard to feel after 3-5-10 years of living together. Probably, at such moments, love subsides and replaced by life. But here is unlimited love, friendship, trust, real proximity arise years later, "said Celebrity.

Fans supported the artist in its revelations. Under publication, they left a lot of comments in which they agree with the opinion of the idol and talk about their attitude to marriage.

"There is a lot of life, but love over the years should only fix and become wiser," the network users are sure.

Also, fans appreciated the video published by Todorenko. In their opinion, in the roller of top balls with his wife look great, and for many they personify the "ideal relationship".

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