"Again this beautiful man": Topalov joined Todorenko to Kostomarov


Vlad Thalov and Regina Todorenko is one of the brightest and most beautiful couples of domestic show business. They all support each other, bring up a joint son Misha and try to be together all their free time. Spouses even a common hit recorded and filled it together.

However, there is still no rumors in the network about the possible relationship of Teediva with its partner on the "Ice Age" show Roman Kostomarov. Especially from these speculations tired of topless. The singer comes into rabies from hundreds of questions about whether he is jealous of his spouse to the figure or not.

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The other day of Regina published several photos in his microblog, under which he admitted how her day passes. At one of the snapshot, there was also kostomarov, with whom that day the Teediva honed the movement on the ice. In the comments under the post there appeared toplists and the beloved joke was joking: "Begins .... again this beautiful man." To which Todorenko immediately parried: "Well, damn, you were not against." And the fans said Vlad that Teediva loves only him. "Vlad, not jealous, Regina loves only you", "So," beautiful "is about you," "jealous, sir", "Oh, this jealousy," the network users said.

We will remind, Vlad Thalov and Regina Todorenko met during the shooting of the next season of the "Eagle and Dishk" in the spring of 2018. Then the novel rose between them, and in the fall of the same year they got married. In December, a star of Mikhail was born in a star couple.

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