4 pairs of zodiac signs doomed on a painful divorce


Stars identified four zodiac couples that have great chances of painful separation.


This is the case that will decide on divorce only after a series of unsuccessful attempts to establish relationships. And if it is not possible to avoid divorce, it will be extremely emotional: broken dishes, scattered things, offensive insults - and this is at best!

Perhaps these two still love each other, but they simply do not remain for the decision of the accumulated problems ...


In this pair both are air signs. And the aircraft union always has a threat to end unexpectedly and violently. The reason for parting can even serve as a non-essential trifle. The divorce of twins and weights will last long and with the section of the property ... Former beloved will be fighting for each trouser to show their superiority. It is also hard to friends and close to this pair - they will be devoted to all the details of the break.

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Astrology predicts that the most painful divorce can wait for this couple. Tears, night calls, recognition and revelations when nothing can be returned. These two are extremely hard to let go of the past, even if the reason for the divorce was objective and fair.

Lion and Scorpio may even come together a few months after the gap, but will it be a good solution? As the experience shows, there are not many chances for a new and happy turn.


Virgo and Capricorn - Pedantic and reasonable signs. As representatives of the earthly element, these people carefully watch their partner and analyze his behavior, assessing every little thing. And if they have noticed some oddities or caught their beloved in deception - the divorce will not make himself wait. Each in this pair will stand coolly on its own and insist on the right. Divorce promises to be very wounded and extremely unpleasant.

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