What kind of man do you dream of zodiac sign



You appreciate partnerships and friendly relationships with your chosen. Passion and constantly growing flames in the soul. You love eloquent, sociable and merry men. But in parallel with this feel sensitive to your personal space and do not like when men are trying to invade it.

The representatives of this sign of the zodiac cannot endure obsessive and egocentric men, but, unfortunately, it is not always possible to determine at first glance, who met on your path.


You are one of the most controversial signs in terms of preferences in choosing a second half. On the one hand, you are insanely inspired by the quiet, unprofitable and decisive men who are responsible for both themselves and for their own woman. And on the other hand, you want to be the main in a relationship, distributing decrees and waiting for their implementation. But is there such a partner in which these relaxed qualities will be balanced?


You appreciate your freedom and with respect and admiration treats the same qualities from the opposite sex. But, of course, within the framework of reasonable. At a young age, you can fall in love with too "air" and non-permanent guys. But after you denounce such relationships several times, you begin to perceive the word "freedom" in another way. Now you know that under it are not frivolousness and tombstones, but awareness and strong inner rod.


Representatives of the sign of the zodiac cancer are looking for peace and stability in relations. You are unlikely to attract a barely funny-shower company. Most likely, you give preference to a calm young person, who will later become your reliable support in life. Very often, raki girls tie relations with their old friends, hoping that the time they know each other is the guarantor of the success of their relationship.

The main rule for you is not to try to converge with former in search of a friend of something familiar and famous. It is almost always doomed to failure.


Women Lions in the soul consider themselves truly royal specialists who do not pay attention to "ordinary" men. Neither the size of the salary, nor a high position, no house on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea is not able to surprise you. To conquer your heart, you need to differ from the "gray mass". It can be a very peculiar passion, a strange communication manner or an extravagant appearance in a potential cavalier. You are attracted to creative nature, which can be described by one phrase - "he is not from this world."


Due to the fact that in the life of nature there is a desire to take care, protect their partner and help him in his endeavors, very often you choose men weaker than yourself. A trying and independent young man does not always allow himself to envelop herself with this "blanket" of the custody of the girl-Virgin, but it will be easy to emotional and vaporic thyon.

The whole root of the problem is that it is vital to praise and the feeling that your partner will not cope without them. And if a man does not show his gratitude to your address, your relationship is doomed to constant clashes and scandals.

What kind of man do you dream of zodiac sign 17750_1


Women scales are able to dive into relationships with their heads and invested in them at the maximum. Accordingly, you expect the same from your man. You are important to decisive, beautiful courtship and honesty.

Your heart is possible to conquer only if you really admire the qualities that your man is endowed. You want to go for your man and feel safe in relationships with him.


Scorpions are endowed with natural sexuality and attractiveness, but in their partner they wish to see more spirituality than magnetism. It is important for your inner world to be appreciated. In a man, you are important for you to see a friend and comrades, who, when necessary, is able to give way and agree with your opinion. You do not want to take the brazers of the board in our hands, but also the unconditional "second number" do not want to.


In most cases, the lady-shooter alien flower, pink dress and recognition under the moon. You are looking for a like-minded person for your adventure and adventure. You will not fit a calm and discreet man. You dream about Buntar and innovator that will support you in all endeavors, not forgetting about your life.

But Ironically, the representative of your sign of the zodiac often marries the measured romantics.


Capricorn does not need relationships with amorphous men who are alien self-development and movement to the goal. You are also unlikely to be interested with a partner who have achieved in life and consider that this can be stopped and calmly lying in front of the TV.

You want to develop with your man, achieve all new and new heights. But you also need a personal space. Your partner must understand that sometimes you want to be alone.


Aquarius girls very often cannot understand what he is the man of their dreams. It seems to be drawn to the pedantic and educated young people, from which you can gain wisdom and new knowledge. But at some point, being in such a relationship, you realize that you really want to be close to the wrinkled and frivolous merry, with whom every day will bring something new and unexpected.


Fish is one of the most ambiguous signs of the zodiac. In various situations, you show yourself from the most unexpected sides. The same concerns the choice of satellite life. You are important to the organization and hardness of the life position of your partner. But this does not cancel the fact that you want romance and passion. The best option for you is confident, a man standing firmly on his feet. With those surrounding it is categorical and serious, and with his beloved - romantic and gentle.

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