Star "One House" Makolay Kalkin first became a father


It became known that the 40-year-old actor Macaese Calkin and 33-year-old actresses brands Song on April 5 was born firstborn. Lovers became the parents of the boy who gave the name of the Dakota. By the way, the sister of the star of the movie "One House", which died at the age of 29 - at a pedestrian crossing a car was shot down.

The actor commented on the joyful event for his family, noting that it was very happy to become a father.

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Calkin and Song met several years ago. This happened in Thailand, during filming. Judging by the information on the network, for some time the connection between celebrities was more friendly, but then turned into love. As a result, the couple began to live together. According to rumors, Brand Song loves to do homemade business and knows how to bake bread. Previously, young parents were told that the main thing in their relationship is care and attention to each other.

Recall that in the distant 1998, Makola Kalkin married Actress Rachel Mainer. However, in 2002, they divorced, and the actor began to meet with cute kunis, but also these relationships broke up - in January 2011, journalists wrote that the lovers were separated. For the first time in the society of its current chosen, the actor was seen in the summer of 2017.

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