Women of these signs of the zodiac find it difficult to find a husband - and that's why


Indeed, why not everyone manage to meet a man's dream and marry him? What is the matter? Why are you still consisting of lonely hearts club? Answers to these questions, as it turns out, is associated with our zodiac accessory. Before you, four women's signs of the zodiac, who hardly arrange their personal life.


The scales have magnetism and from the first minutes of communication admires its refinement and refined manners. She is a lady-riddle, they say about that: "She has its own highlight!" Its duplicate and compliant nature is not associated with a stereotype of a plump and harmful wife. Scales - intellectual and connoisseur beautiful. She easily goes to communication and tie dating. From the lack of male attention, the girl scales does not suffer, but she is rarely lucky in love affairs. And all because it is too indecisive and careful. Scales have long been looking at the potential fiance and fluctuates - whether to enter into a relationship or still wait a bit? Even after being in partnership, she never ceases to think about whether it came correctly.

Having entered into relations with the Mamienikin son, the representative of this sign of the zodiac comes comes up, and having listed his life with an adventurer will try to domesticated him. And in that and in another case, the scales will be disappointed in itself, and in a partner. She needs only an active and initiative man who will take a marriage management into his own hands and will not be responsible. Astrologers are recommended to look at the guys-Aries. Their leadership departures and assertiveness are what needs to girls weighs.


Taurus girl - the embodiment of femininity and softness. From an early age, she is distinguished by wisdom, patience and prudence. Agree, ideal character traits for a potential spouse! But why are the representatives of this sign of the zodiac often turn out to be bachelor? Taurus - a sign of devotion and loyalty. Treason for this special - the action is unacceptable under any circumstances. A similar attitude to the marital life Taurus is waiting for both its partner. She is a domestic, Cocca, the keeper of a homemade hearth and in no way a secular lioness. Noisy parties - not for her.

Girl is important to material wealth. She is prone to accumulation, in his house seeks to create a luxurious environment and often loops on it. In marriage with her at some point, boredom and monotony are coming.

Predictable and stable relationships seem to the Taurus partner too fresh. Ultimately, he is accepted to look for new, bright emotions. The best option for the role of a girl-caltper will be a man-cancer. He also appreciates home comfort and to his house refers to a reliable fortress.

Women of these signs of the zodiac find it difficult to find a husband - and that's why 17896_1


Aquarius sign representatives - extraordinary, bright girls with an inquisitive mind and versatile interests. Such professionals are of great interest and do not have a lack of cavaliers. However, relations with Lady-Aquarius for some reason are not ends with Mendelssohn march and the exchange of wedding rings. The fact is that the Aquarius invents itself an image of the perfect companion with the whole set of the best qualities. Its requirements are a high plank, which must be reached. But, as we know, there are no ideal people in the world! Aquarius girl cannot come from his principles and for life does not cease to wait the knight in the armor and on the white horse.

"I know! He exists! I certainly lucky in love, "she thinks so and in every conversational man is trying to find only the best qualities, but, alas, they rarely find them and disappointed. It is important not only the similarity of temperaments, but also the unity of the shower. The partner of the Aquarius girl should think and act just like her. And such a coincidence is really a rarity, because we are all individuals. Well, except that she is suitable for sensual signs of the zodiac - Men fish or scorpions.


Capricorn girl - luxurious and captivating! It is distinguished by strong character, dedication, ambitiousness and desire to achieve large heights in the life. Watching the Capricorn, it may seem that the family for her is not the main goal in life. And partly it is. She is a workaholic that dedicates most of the time to build a career and search for its destination. Capricorn all the time learns new and self-improvement. It seems that in her days not 24 hours, but 48.

We must admit that men although they are enthusiastic with such women, but they are afraid of them like fire. They are frightened by the rhythm of the life of Capricorn and the prospect of being in second place. It's a pity! After all, inside the Capricorn girl hides the waters and touching girl who tries to seem strong to be strong.

Such behavior is a protective reaction of Capricorn on the action of external aggressive environmental factors. She got used to rely on herself, why and looks like a fearless warrior. To create a family, the Girl-Capricorn will suit the Active Sagittarius guy, who just like she, strives for success and sufficiency.

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