Harvey Weinstein lost his teeth and almost land in prison


Condemned for violence Harvey Weinstein is in prison problems with vision and loses his teeth. This was told by his lawyer Norman Efform, when the former producer appeared in court to agree on a postponement of extradition in Los Angeles on fresh accusations of sexual crimes. In court, Harvey looked cheerful, he smiled and friendly communicated with lawyers. However, Weinstein's defense stated that he experienced serious health problems.

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Harvey lawyer noted that before sending to Los Angeles, his client needs to be treated with eyes and teeth. Efform clarified that Weinstein is already "almost land" and needs an operation to the eye, he also planned consultation with a dentist: the prisoner has already lost four teeth.

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But Los Angeles Prosecutor's Office does not yet agree to give Harvey a delay and seeks a positive result for 11 more accusations against Weinstein. The accused of violence and sexual harassment of producer in March last year was sentenced to 23 years in prison, and if he was recognized as guilty of new items, the prison sentence of Harvey could grow up to 140 years. Previously, the extradition of Weinstein was postponed several times due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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