Olivia Wilde published the first frame from his film "Do not worry, Sunny"


Olivia Wilde shared in his Instagram account to the first official frame from his second director's project, Retrotriller "Do not worry, Sunrich" (Don't Worry Darling). The shooting of the picture ended a few weeks ago, and now Olivia is engaged in post-sales. The photo captured the performer of the leading role Florence Pugh.

The picture will unfold in the middle of the last century on the territory of a small commune located in the middle of the desert in California. In the center of the story will be Alice (Pugh) - a housewife passing through an incredible existential crisis. Everything that the heroine knew and loved, overnight collapses, after she opens some frightening truth.

The project is supervised by New Line Cinema and Warner Bros studios. Katie Sillberman ("Education") and the authors of the Thinler "Silence" of Shane and Carey Wang Dike were engaged in the development of the scenario. Matthew Libatik was made by the operator ("Requiem for a Dream", "Black Swan"). Together with the star "Solstosta" and Wilde, Harry Stiles (Dunkirk ") were noted, Chris Pine (" Miracle Woman: 1984 "), Jamma Chan (" Eternal "), Kiki Lane (" Trip to America 2 " ) And Nickname Croll ("Family Addams").

The release date "Do not worry, the sun" is not yet announced.

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