What magical abilities have different zodiac signs


For this, we do not need to be witches, shamans or magicians. Find yourself in this list and find out about your supernatural abilities.


Aries are able to feel the magic of talismans and know how to configure them and charge them. The magical potential of Aries is most active in creating vital energy and disclosure of internal potentials. Next to the Aries people feel more confident and more positive. Aries are gifted and sexual magic. They attract the opposite sex like a magnet.

It is known that representatives of this fiery sign successfully cope with exorcism and eliminating unwanted spirits. Aries are courageous, the lack of fear of them is also a certain magical force.


The Taurus has a gift to embody the most uncomfortable dreams into the reality. For this, they do not need to make a ton of effort, just a stubborn desire. The shoulders are fed by energy of pleasure - comfort, well-being, delicious food, love and sex. Sometimes it seems that the magical abilities of the Tales are a fateful coincidence. Amazing! But wealth and luck will easily go to them in hand. The Tales have the ability to make people feel safe. All those who are next to them feel protected and calm.


Gemini no equal in communication. They are perfectly dealt with people and can find a common language with each. Gemini - social leaders. Communicating with the twins, there is a feeling that they can read other people's thoughts and predict actions.

People of this sign of the zodiac have strong telepathic abilities. But their problem is that they are easily switched from the themes on the topic and lose the concentration. Usually in the life of twins there are so many events that they tend to ignore their magical abilities. They simply do not have time.


Intuitive cancers are capable of much as concerning magic. Of these, the best oldcual witches would have been, using vintage rituals, gown legs and fees of magical herbs in their practice. So that the magic of crayfish was 100% effective, they should feel safe, in the walls of their home and without the presence of outsiders. The responsiveness of the crayfish is also a kind of magic talent. They will always respond and help someone who is in a difficult situation. Cancers are too tied to people. That is why they should ensure that other people's emotions do not overwhelm them with their heads. Otherwise, in this case, raks can turn into energy donors.

a lion

Lions can develop a whole range of magical possibilities, but only if they are surrounded by a crowd of faithful followers and fans. Admiration, enthusiasm, reading - due to these emotions from the outside people, lions generate within themselves the vital energy. Thanks to supernatural talents, lions come to fame and wealth during life.

Their magic is personal magnetism and the ability to fascinate people. Lions are always in the center of attention and few people leave indifferent to their person.


Virgin as no other can harmonize the world around themselves. Their actions are ordered, logical and structured. In addition, they are supported by well-developed logic and intuition. The main magical power of the virgins focuses in their natural ability to understand the needs of completely different people at the same time. Virgin live in multitasking mode - and in this they are pro. Therefore, it is not surprising that most of the magical abilities of the people of this sign of the zodiac are associated with the healing and elimination in the world of chaos and disorder. The more Virgin learning and acquire experience, the more their magic abilities are developing.

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Scales are able to capture, charming and create the highest possible illusions. True, for the larger charming effect, they themselves must be believed to be translated into the world. Scales have beauty magic. They know what to do to look great in any situation. Another talent of the scales is associated with their ability to combine people in a positive key and wague them into large groups. The ability to achieve equilibrium in personal relations, in its spiritual and physical principle - another magic talent of representatives of this zodiac family.


Scorpions are capable of subordinate to themselves and circumstances. In this they help intuition and gift to see three steps forward. Astrologers say that scorpions (if wanted) can communicate with spirits and other worlds. If they decide to use their magic abilities, it is best to cope with sexual spells, protect against negative energy and eliminating obstacles.

The instincts of scorpions are primitive, that is why they have amazing survival skills. If they want to learn the truth, then do it will not be any difficulty.


Throughout the life of the Sagittarius go hand in hand with luck. They are able to attract it for themselves, and for those who are the roads. It seems that they are real wizards and white magicians! Its optimistic nature and a positive attitude of the Archers are used for healing, neutralization of negative reactions and physical pain. The Archers are known for their passion for travel, and to be in the most amazing places of the globe - another magical gift of these people.


Capricorn, as a rule, are very landed, but this does not mean that they are completely devoid of magical forces. They have a magnificent gift to bring the work started to the end. They use this natural ability to achieve their goals and promotion of ambitions.

If Capricorns want to achieve something and get the desired, they will do it, no matter what. The most magical in Capricorn - how wise people are not reasonable for years. They drive the acquired experience.


Aquarius is the most mysterious and extraordinary zodiac sign. These people surprise their ideas and opportunities. Among them are dubious skills. Aquarius are able to tear the connection and kill love. And all due to what they think - a person must be free, and any connection is a restriction. Creative album has a magical power. They know how to do something outstanding. Representatives of this sign have a gift for astral projection and a remote vision.


Fishes are sensitive to the world around them, as well as able to feel the influence of otherworldly forces. Fish is able to manipulate their dreams and use them to predict future events. Pisces believe in virtue of thought. If they are visiting something, it can become a reality.

People of this sign are very sensitive and caring, they often (and unconsciously) use their extrasensory abilities to heal people. Fish know how to talk with ghosts and spirits. Sometimes they have to retreat to the world of their own imagination to block the messages of the dead.

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