Love horoscope: 5 of the most romantic signs of the zodiac


While some people make efforts to create a romantic atmosphere, others are born by professionals in this matter. Have you ever thought about what category your partner relates? Is it romantic enough? Astrology determines the top five romantic leaders.


Fish - inborn romance. Every day they are ready to invent something special for their partners and please their unexpected and pleasant surprises.

An ideal date for fish - dinner with candlelights in sandalwood flavors and necessarily with light music in the background.

Walk under the moon, kisses on the roof, stars of stars over your head - all this will happen to you if your partner will be the representative of this sign of the zodiac.


Of all air signs, scales are the most romantic! They are ready to do everything, if only their "halves" felt happy and loved ones.

Bouquets of flowers, bathrooms filled with rose petals, flickering candles, champagne, cute notes - a list of romantic affairs in the scales endless. If they are truly in love, they will not regret neither forces or the time to show their partners the depths of their feelings. These are kings of romance and the best lovers.

Love horoscope: 5 of the most romantic signs of the zodiac 17975_1


When the Virgin falls in love with someone, then all of their world begins to rotate around these people. Every meeting of the Virgin is planned and thought out in advance. To the little things!

Dates with devies are filled with romance and sensuality. They create all the conditions to immerse their partners in a fairy tale.

Dinners, gifts, views of your favorite movies, trips to the sea or the nearest park, picnics on the lawns and coffee in bed ... What else is needed for happiness? Idyll!


Streltsov has a feature - they find romance in trifles. Sagittariov do not plan something ambitious for the next weekend and every day can please your favorite signs.

After work, to drive and buy a bouquet of flowers without reason, cook pizza or dessert, to call in broad daylight and admitted in feelings - this is for the Archers in the order of things. Every day, lived in love, they will make special. Isn't it beautiful?


Lions - passionate lovers and hopeless romance. By nature, they are quite thoughtful people who love to indulge their partners. Romance for them is not limited to dates or stunning sex.

After a difficult and rich day, they will make a relaxing massage, they will prepare a delicious dinner, will share the news and ask what worries their lovers. And they are stunning friends with whom always fun and never boring.

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