Robert Downey Jr. brought Radd's animation to tears threats


A few weeks ago, Agbo Superhero Fantasy Football League started in the USA. Stars playing superheroes in MARVEL and DC films, fight with each other for victory. Winners determine which charitable funds will be collected during the playing agents. The Rousseau brothers, the prize fund of this year, lead this action is one million dollars. Of these, 250 thousand will be transferred to charitable funds on behalf of Chadwik Bowness. So the actors want to honor his memory.

Robert Downey Jr. brought Radd's animation to tears threats 18030_1

Before the matches, the stars often record rollers in which they tell how to defeat the opponent. Robert Downey Jr. in front of the meeting with Paul Rude laid out in his Twitter account a monologue, in which he tells how to buy the store of sweets and eat all the candies. All this listens to the cartoon version of Radda, which begins to cry unrestrained. But at the very end of the speech, Dauni Jr. is recognized in his good feelings towards Radd.

Earlier, Chris Hemsworth and Karen Gillan exchanged rollers. Hemsworth stated that he is champion in everything, which means, will win in this competition. And Gillan, in response, sang a song of his own essay, how to win Hemsworth.

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