It is better not to argue with them: 5 zodiac signs that always turn out to be right


It does not matter that at the same time they seem funny. Their goal is to prove the right way with any ways. Psychologists argue that such behavior is associated with uncertainty in itself and the desire to increase their self-esteem. Are you in this list?


From the earliest years, Virgo seeks to be the smartest: in kindergarten, at school, while studying at the university. In each case, it tries to demonstrate its erudition and intellectual abilities. Before you enter into a dispute, Virgo will transfer information and collects many weighty arguments. When the opponent challenges her, she will stand on the war path, so that all ways to prove that her opinion is true in the last instance. Even when the dispute subsides, Virgo will not cease to give evidence. It is incredibly difficult to argue with it. She goes to the end. And we must admit, very often the truth is on her side.


Scorpio is entirely focused on what is interesting for him. Dock up to truth - a gambling and exciting occupation. Not always Scorpio enters the dispute, thoroughly knowing the subject of discussion. But the passions of passions during the discussion and the energy, which he can appear, worry it most. In addition, scorpion distinguishes stubbornness. He doesn't care what others think about him.

The dispute is for him - this is an opportunity to cause respect. The aforementioned, the virgin can redo the scorpion, since he, unlike her, owns the techniques of sofics - the ability to intentionally intimidate the interlocutor in a conversation to show his superiority.


Capricorn stubborn and can not afford to look like a fool. He will be all their forces to prove the loyalty to his eyes, investing in the dispute itself. Capricorn - workaholic; Reaching big results in work, he believes that he knows everything and knows how much. In the list of great disputes, he ranks third. They drive logic and data analysis. But weakly developed intuition prevents him from winning discussions. Most often, Capricorn argues not for the sake of victory, but in order to do everything perfectly and right. If the truth is not on his side, he is able to give up the primacy in controversial issues and silence.

It is better not to argue with them: 5 zodiac signs that always turn out to be right 18032_1


Taurus is completely unable to make compromises, even if he is not at all in the topic of discussion. "Proof of at any cost!" - The motto of the Taurus. He will fight until his opponent surrenders, being closer to the truth. Taurus will make everyone agree with him and take his point of view. This helps fantastic stubbornness, well-developed logical thinking and practicality. In addition, even at a young age, the Taurus already has a rich personal experience, but they will not argue with it.

Despite the weak skills in negotiating and discussions, the Taurus can press on emotions at the right time. With this scenario in the dispute, it turns out to be the winner.

a lion

The lion loves to be the first in disputes, and he likes when others look at it from below. Lev is important that his opinion is perceived seriously and was considered authoritative. Like previous signs, Lev is stubborn and do not intend to retreat from their convictions. He does not want to believe that he can be mistaken. That is why he will prove his position to the victorious final. Even if the lion turns out to be pressed against the wall, it will continue to remove, as in the pan, and carry a verbal-emotional flow. In disputes lion skillfully plays the public and bangs with its eloquence.

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