5 women's zodiac signs, which are better without a man


It would seem, yes. However, many female representatives live well and one. As it turned out, it is directly related to their zodiac sign.


Twin women are one of the most incredulous persons. They are very volatile and impulsive. In strong, stable relations, twins quickly becomes boring. It is generally difficult for them to believe that they can really be needed to someone. Twins look at men for a very long time, assessing them from all sides. And most often the selection of twins few people can pass, no matter how hard it tried.


Sagittarius too appreciate their freedom to change her to relationships and especially for marriage. Sagittari women are confident that men will restrain their personal development and become an obstacle to the achievement of the goals.

Sagittarius do not like to feel proper to anyone - that is why most often preferred alone.


The rapid pace of life, the momentary decision making and a huge amount of vital energy is all about Aries. Women-Aries are real "Energizers". Not everyone can hide behind their vital pace. Therefore, instead of looking for suitable partners without the end, try to start the relationship and sometimes it may be wrong, the Aries prefer to live in a comfortable setting.

5 women's zodiac signs, which are better without a man 18041_1


Tales are stable and love to surround themselves with a large number of habits and rituals. They will not climb the critics, seeking to disrupt their calm. Women-carts are sensitive to criticism and comments, they experience comfort only when they agree with them and indulge their opinions.

Like a small number of men to be under the heel, and that is why Tales most often remain without a pair.


Capricorn, as well as Aries, extremely energetic. Therefore, partners located next to them must be either the same or even better. Women Aries will not put up with the lack of their halves, they do not like to pull men, since in that case they lose their masculinity in their eyes. Capricorns are quite comfortable feeling alone, and such a format of life even like it.

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