Orlando Bloom told how the weekdays with her daughter: "The first word was" dad ""


In a new interview with Times, 44-year-old Orlando Bloom spoke about his daily routine. According to the actor, he gets up at 6:30 am and the first thing studies data on his sleep using the application. Then he goes to the daughter Daisy Daving. "I kiss it and sit for some time with her. We play overload, I sing her song "Dad loves Daisy Daving." She knows who her daddy. My son had the first word "Mom". And Daisy - "Dad". So perfectly become a father again, "Bloom shared.

Also in the morning, Orlando practices meditation and reading Buddhist Mantra - it leads this practice from 16 years. "She penetrated into all my creature. It helps not to go from rails. I feel that I myself lead my train, "the actor said.

Bloom says that she is trying to avoid a smartphone in the morning to "not be pulled into a black hole of social networks." His breakfast Orlando prefers to "deserve", so before the first intake of food takes nutritional supplements and goes for a walk in nature.

Breakfast of the actor, according to him, is a oatmeal with nuts milk, cinnamon, vanilla paste, berries of Goji, a vegan protein and a cup of tea. Bloom says that his diet is 90% percent consists of vegetable food. But once a month he allows himself red meat. "I look at the cow and think: the same adorable creation. Someday we all drag and we will not be able to believe that they eat meat, "said Orlando. According to him, he himself prepares infrequently - usually this makes a team of cooks.

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After breakfast, Bloom reads scripts and leads negotiations on ZOOM. Also, according to Orlando, it is working on projects with Amazon, trains, and in his free time collects LEGO and dreams of new roles. At the end of his day, Bloom lays her daughter to sleep, watching the film under dinner and at 23:00 goes to bed.

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