Orlando Bloom spoke on early glory after the "Lord of the Rings"


Orlando Bloom made a leap in his film after the role of Le Lemic Elf in Peter Jackson's film "The Lord of the Rings: Brotherhood of the Ring." At the time of the premiere of the film Bloom was 24 years old. Soon after that, the actor received the main roles in films such as Troy and the Kingdom of Heaven. And together with this, I encountered the closer attention to the public.

In a recent conversation with The Big Issue, 44-year-old Orlando remembered the period of take-off his career and shared, what advice would give you young.

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"As for the preparation of young me to fame, I would simply say:" You can not perceive everything so seriously. " There was a lot of tension around and attention to me, but it is impossible to let it stop your life. I learned to hide very well because it was very painful for me. I tried to continue to live and make sure that I did not stroke all the time. I would tell you young: "I just appreciate and enjoy what is happening. And remember that today's newspaper will be a piece of paper for filing Fish and Chips, "Orlando shared.

Currently, Bloom is removed in the second season of the Fantasy series Amazon Carnival Row along with Kari Melievin.

Last summer, the actor and his bride Katy Perry was born daughter Daisi Daving.

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