Britney Spears celebrated the 20th anniversary of the clip on the song Oops! ... i Did It Again


Superchita Britney Spears Oops! ... I Did It Again has already been 20 years old. This event was dedicated to the post in Instagram and posted a photo from the filming of the famous clip, where she danced in a red tight suit. Britney depicted the Martian in which a pretty astronaut fell in love.

Oops! .. How was 20 years past so fast?! I can not believe it. I remember that in this red suit was damn hot ... but it was fun to dance, so the shooting flew unnoticed. And now we are sitting on a quarantine and dream of escape from all this to Mars! Kidding. But seriously, you all showed such a big support for this song, and I thank you for it. Send you your love

- wrote Spears in microblog.

Song Oops! ... I Did It Again came out on March 27, 2000 as a leading single from the same second album Spears. The director of the clip on this song was the Nigel Dick, who previously worked with the singer over the clips of Baby One More Time, Sometimes and (You Drive Me) Crazy.

Initially, Britney had to appear in a video in another suit, but the day before the filming, she met with the designer Michael Bush, who created scenic costumes for Michael Jackson, and ordered his outfit. As a result, the red overalls of Britney became one of its most famous stage outfits.

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