In St. Petersburg will host the fourth annual wedding fashion week


Name : St. Petersburg Bridal Fashion Week

Dates: January 14-17, 2019

Location: RZD Museum (St. Petersburg, Library Per., D.4 Corp.2)

Official site -www.spbbridalweek.Ru


St. Petersburg Bridal Fashion Week is the only event of the Wedding Fashion format in Russia, which every year becomes all larger and confidently holds the bar of the most important wedding podium country.

The event will consist of 2 parts - exhibition (showrooms of designers, such a format will be presented for the second time) and the defile. Within 4 days, guests of St. Petersburg Bridal Fashion Week will be represented by several dozen collections of wedding dresses of the season-2020, which were carefully selected by the organizers and reflect the latest global trends.

Wedding Fashion in Russia Today is not just beautiful dresses corresponding to the most relevant wedding trend, but also the high quality of execution, in which a lot of manual labor and special cutting techniques. The outfit of the bride is a very applied thing, in which the image and unconditional comfort should be combined. To achieve such a combination - the task is not simple. Especially pleased to realize that in Russia every year more and more wedding designers appear, for which the highest level of work is what they do not donate under any circumstances. Organizers St. Petersburg Bridal Fashion Week proudly argue that the future of the world wedding fashion is in Russia and are ready to demonstrate again.

This year the site of St. Petersburg Bridal Fashion Week will be completely unusual and in many ways a unique place - the new Museum of Railways of Russia His pavilions are a huge space in an industrial style with an incredible collection of historical and legendary locomotives, unique atmosphere and exclusive capabilities! This is one of the largest railway transport museums in the world - almost 57 thousand (!) Sq.meters!

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