Daughter Uma Turman Maya Hawk will release the first music album


The eldest daughter of Hollywood actors Umm Turman and Itan Hawke releases a debut musical album. The record was named blush, its release is scheduled for June 19 2020.

Daughter Uma Turman Maya Hawk will release the first music album 18378_1

Maya collaborated with the winner of the Grammy Prize singer and producer Jessie Harris, who wrote music for her album.

This album came out by chance. Jesse and I suddenly began to work together ... We just wrote songs, because it brings us joy. And then we collected them in the album and released. This is the result of the insane, if not to say pathological, desire to share this joy with others. From my point of view, Blush is a combination of secret messages, hidden communications with people in my life,

- explained Maya. Part of the revenue from the sale of the new singer album wants to sacrifice for charity.

Hawk has already released the first single by MySelf and the clip on this composition. And in the summer of 2019 she had a first clip on the song To Love A Boy, in which she appeared in the image of the mermaid.

The first time Maya walked in the footsteps of the parents and thought about his career in the cinema. She starred in the mini-series "Little Women", and her first major role was to participate in the film Quentin Tarantino "Once at ... Hollywood".

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