Valery Meladze for the first time released a joint song with Albina Janabaeva


Valery Meladze and Albin Dzhanabaeva first recorded a joint composition for five years of family life. Today, the couple told in his Instagram about the release of the new track called "Megapolises", which they sang a duet.

We waited for a long time,

- commented on the premiere of Janabaeva. In the song Albina and Valery talk about how difficult it is to keep love in urban bustle and permanent employment.

Fans warmly met the collaboration of spouses. Many praised the work of the performers and noted that they perfectly fit each other and in the musical terms. "Albina, this is a fire! Beautiful song! I adore you with Valery, you are a wonderful couple, "I will definitely listen on the way to work," "Elegant couple, two powerful intelligence", "Finally, you did it! It's time for a long time, "" I hope you are not limited to one joint song, "subscribers are expressed in the comments.

Valery Meladze for the first time released a joint song with Albina Janabaeva 18435_1

Surprisingly many, the author of "megapolises" was not Konstantin Meladze (Brother Valeria, who is the author of most of his repertoire), and Maria Yakubovskaya. Poems belong to Vyacheslav Bodolic.

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