Rutovova would not like to live with mother-in-law: "I think you understand what I mean


It is known that Anastasia has a solisted very strained relationship with the former mother-in-law. Unlike the first daughter-in-law, Simon Yunusov does not complain to the second wife of his son and extremely rarely happens at their guest. This is especially noticeable to grandchildren to grandchildren. And if with her daughter from the first marriage of Timati, Alice, Yunusova spends almost all his free time, then the small Ratmir, the lioness almost does not pay attention. Instagram Simons was littered with photos and videos with the daughter of Timati and Alena Shishkova, but Ratmir's pictures can be found extremely rare there. The fans more than once wrote about this personally, reproaching it in such an obvious imbalance of feelings, but Timati's mother believes that he loves his grandchildren equally strongly.

25-year-old Anastasia Racettova and herself does not burn with the desire to communicate with former mother-in-law. However, it is necessary to pay tribute to Anastasia: it never speaks nothing bad against the family of the former. However, the other day, responding to subscribers in Stork, the model allowed himself to joke on this slippery topic. "Would you be able to live with mother-in-law?" She asked her one of the fans. "If only in the house square at least three thousand square meters," the model joked.

True, Racettova immediately hurried to make a reservation that it means not only his former mother-in-law, but also potential. "In general, I voiced my position about living with mom's husband. In a big house is approx. And so I would not really like to be in the neighboring rooms. I think you understand what I am, "wrote the leading show" You - Top Model "on the TNT channel.

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