Hugh Grant changed Elizabeth Herley, because his own film was upset


Hugh Grant and Elizabeth Herley consisted in relations 13 years: from 1987 to 2000. In 1995, Grant became a hero of loud news: he was caught up with a prostitute Divine Brown in the car on one of Los Angeles Parking. Hugh paid her $ 60. For violation of the law actor arrested.

In a new interview in the podcast, Marona WTF, the British actor admitted that it led to this incident "anxiety after watching his Hollywood debut film" Nine months. "

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Remembering the scandal, Hugh said: "I launched my first Hollywood film. The problem was that it was my first film, and I looked at him. The film was supposed to go out in a week or two after that. I had a bad premonition. I went to show. Everyone was gorgeous in it, but I was terrible. "

The actor says that because of this, he really fell a mood, and he "plunged into despondency," and this led him to new trouble. "One led to another. I was just disappointed in myself. I did not understand what was going on, "Hugh shared.

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However, his concerns were in vain, because the film "Nine months", which also starred Julian Moore and Robin Williams, became successful, gathered $ 12.5 million in America, and then another 138.5 million dollars around the world.

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