Tom Hiddleston appeared on the first frame of the series "Essek Snake"


Tom Hiddleston joined Claire Danes on the shooting of the screening of the historical novel Sarah Perry "Essek Snake."

The dramatic series tells about the widowed woman named Cora (Danes), which after the death of the husband moves from Victorian London to the small village of Alvinter in the Essex County, intrigued by the local superstition that the mythical creature, known as the Essek snake, returned to this area. Hiddleston will play the role of Will Rensom, the leader of a small rural community. On the first frame of the series you can see Tom in the image of Will.

In August, they announced that the role of the bark would fulfill Keira Knightley, but in October the actress "for family reasons" refused to role, and in February, Danens occupied her place. A month later, the acting was also joined. The series will be released on Apple TV +, but it is unknown when it is.

Hiddleston is most famous for the role of Loki in several films of the filmmatic universe Marvel. He will also play this hero in the upcoming TV series Disney Plus "Loki", which will be released in June. In addition, Tom played in the films "Brief Peak", "midnight in Paris", "only lovers will survive", as well as in the TV series "Night Administrator" and "Empty Crown".

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