20 valuable films that everyone needs to look at at least once in life


The cinema gave the world a lot of amazing films, many of which had an impact on whole generations of people, made a revolution in their genre and were loved by millions of viewers around the world. "Film Afisha" presents a list of movies that every person should exactly see at least once in life.

Escape from Showshank, 1994

The most loud escape from prison. The screening of one of the most successful novels Stephen King tells the story of how not to lose himself for the years in prison, how to stay free in the walls per barbed wire, and how to restore justice with their own hands.

Life is beautiful, 1997

Life is a game, even if very harsh. This is what the son of the hero of the film Guido teaches when they are due to their Jewish origin fall into the concentration camp. Tragicomedia Roberto Benigni tells how with the help of the game, imagination and resistance of the spirit survive in the walls, full of pain, grief and despair.

Fight Club, 1999

"You buy things that you do not need to impress those who do not need," said Tyler Derden. A film about the modern society of consumption and resistance to him through the destruction of standards, buildings and himself. As if on purposely following its own principles, the film failed at the box office, but later received the status of the cult.

Remember, 2000.

Remember the death, remember about life, remember that they are inextricably linked. The film begins with the murder and restores the chain of events that he entrusted him. The main character of the painting Leonard Shelby in his own example shows how to investigate the crime when the memories are erased every 15 minutes.

Matrix, 1999.

The film, which proved that the militants can be smart and inventive. The story of neo asks the viewer a simple, but frightening question: what if your life is a dream, and you yourself are not a free person, but feed for others? This is a picture of the danger of artificial intelligence and the inexperienced striving of a person to independence.

Lord of the Rings

The very case when the film is perhaps better than the book: 7 years of the shooting process, 900 km of film, 20 thousand actors, 114 roles and 30 nominations for the Oscar premium. This is a story about a little man who passes a long way and saves the big world. The trilogy "Lord of the Rings" is 14 hours of heroic adventures, fantastic characters, magnificent species of New Zealand and an unforgettable history of the Mediterranean.

Titanic, 1997.

The most epic and grandiose film about love. One of the most cash films in the history of cinema talks about the collapse of the largest passenger liner, against which the romantic story of love unfolds. This is a film that the uncompressed ship can leave for the bottom, but this feeling can help people survive.

Silence lambs, 1990

Hannibal lecturer is one of the first villains-psychopaths that come to mind. In just 16 minutes, he inspires the urgeless horror in the heart of the audience, being on the other side of the lattice. A film about the maniac, who helps to catch another maniac, became the standard of psychological thrillers and rightfully won five awards of the Oscar premium.

Criminal Chivo, 1994

The best film of Quentin Tarantino - according to the audience and critics. Brilliant combination of thriller, comedy and crime in one bottle. Three twisted nomes demonstrate bold robbers, argued about God and return to life. The film gave impetus to the development of independent American cinema, entered the national register of the United States and quite deservedly received the status of a cult.

Shine, 1980.

One of the first worthy shields of horrors Stephen King. The famous director of Wengy Kubrick created psychological horror, crashed into the memory of people for a long time. After 38 years from the day of the premiere, he continues to scare the audience with the guests of the Hotel Overluk and inspire the writings of books, films and music clips to the work of the authors.

Terminator and Terminator 2, 1984-91

Dilogy, after which everyone first thought about the danger of artificial intelligence. Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day "from directed by James Cameron not only represent bright and dynamic militants, but also ask philosophical questions. Who is more dangerous for the planet: man or car? Is it possible to change the future if it is predetermined?

Back to the Future, 1985-90

Films recognized as a reference to scenario work. The unforgettable journey of Marty McFeew and Dr. Emmet Brown suffers the viewer in the 50th year of the last century, demonstrates 2015 in the presentation of the generation of the 80s and fascinates in the scenery of Western. This is not just a trilogy - it is a kind, bright comedy about family values ​​and an insurmountable pull to adventure.

Show Trumana, 1998

What if your life is just a reality show? This film is worth seeing at least for the sake of the dramatic game of Jim Kerry. And also for the sake of the intriguing plot, which argues about the illusiveness of human freedom, about escape from the "ideal" world and about the choice of life belonging to you only one.

Wong Fu, with gratitude for everything! Julie Newmar, 1995

What do you know about tolerance? Nothing. The film, which in the 90s was not afraid to wear in Wesley Snipes dresses and Patrick Suway, make them blue queens and put on a journey through America. This is not a story about transvestites, this is a 109-minute road on the way to the adoption of yourself and life with all its obstacles and opportunities.

Alien, 1979.

Nobody will hear your cry in space. In the late 70s of the last century, Ridley Scott showed how a strong and independent woman with a cat can compete with an alien monster. The horror film, frightening even a slogan, entered the history of the cinema and gave rise to a successful franchise, which at the moment there are eight parts.

Running on the blade, 1982

All who love films about the technological gloomy future in neon lights should know that it was the "blade running" became their progenitor. Sci-fi drama Ridley Scott about the struggle of people and replicates failed at the box office and only after a few years acquired the status of the cult, becoming a bright representative of the genres of Cyberpunk and Neonouar.

Requiem for a dream, 2000

A tragic story about broken dreams under the music of the Mencell's Music of Krinta Mencell. The film Darren Aronofsky is a bright illustration of the dependence on the happiness that people are not looking for themselves, but in pills, drugs and violence, losing all the most important.

Big Lebovsky, 1998

The Criminal Comedy of the Cohen brothers tells about the dude, which Gangsters once confused with a millionaire and extort the money that he does not have. The film is notable not only to the fact that the word "dude" is pronounced 160 times, but also that books, sites, festivals are dedicated to him and even a whole philosophical teaching. Each viewer most to deal with the one who is actually a dude: a person possessing special knowledge, or just a unfortunate man in a bathrobe.

Butterfly effect, 2004

A comprehensive story about why it is impossible to play with time. The film directions follow the butterfly from Roman Ray Bradbury and demonstrate how one small change can lead to global consequences. Heroes on their own example show that it is possible to avoid a catastrophe, if they come to accept the past, to live in real and work in the name of the future.

Jurassic Park, 1993

Thanks to this film in 1993, millions of people first saw dinosaurs. Stephen Spielberg sent spectators to a fascinating journey around the world, inhabited by diplodoks, the bonuses and the most terrible representative of the Jurassic period - the Tirannozavr. The Park of the Jurassic period has become the most successful film of its time and the milestone of the use of computer special effects.

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