"How dumplings": 9 Russian stars who moved off with increasing lips


One of, probably, the most sensible examples - the experience of Yulia Volkova, the ex-soloist of the TATU group, which once successfully went to the "solo swimming". At some point, the singer was so fascinated by the "injuries of beauty", which is now extremely difficult to find out the ex- "tattoo" in it.

Unlike many stars of the domestic show business, who made their name, thanks to the show "House 2" Daria Pynzar about all beauty experiments says as frankly as possible. A few years ago, Dasha decided to increase the lips, but the decision was unsuccessful so that in the end, Pynzar had to abandon the fillers. For a long time, Daria ratified for the maximum naturalness and the refusal of "enclosures of beauty", but in April 2019 again decided on plastic - and he spent on getting rid of the second chin and balls almost half a million rubles.

Star TNT COMEDY WOMAN CATER CATRANA WARNAVA WHATE TO THE SPEES OF THE HUMORIAL SEE "OLYMPA" started with KVN - True, it is practically impossible on old video recording from the speeches, because by the beginning of filming in Comedy Woman Varnava significantly increased the lips and changed the image. However, it is worth noting that at some point Ekaterina, the stage of unsuccessful beauty experiments "turned" - and now the image of the star is much more modest, "adult" and elegant, no "dumplings".

The saying "Love all ages are submissive" can be safely applied to the industry of "beauty enclosures" - so, for example, Elena Podlov, to an increase in lips resorted already in very mature age. Unfortunately, the experience, in the opinion of the fans of the problem, turned out to be unsuccessful: the actress misunderstood the magnitude of the lips, violating the harmony of the features of Elena.

Star "Univer. New dormitory "Anna Hilkevich since the time of departure from the popular Sitkom changed noticeably outwardly, and, in particular, the change was subjected to change. It is not known for sure, whether the actress really "stripped" the lips, whether it simply uses the tricks of makeup and competent contouring, but at the exit, unsuccessful "dumplings" are often obtained, for which Hilkevich repeatedly criticized her subscribers in Instagram.

Another star, actively using all the wisdom of make-up and contouring Lisa Peskov, which over the past few years has become a full-fledged Internet celebrity and therefore attracts increased attention to Instagram users. In 2018, Lisa fans noticed that the girl began to look somewhat differently - and logically suspected it in increasing lips.

Alexandra Shevchenko, "Colleague" Darya Pynzar on the show "House 2", many familiar with many people like "Sheva" - one of the most passionate amateurs "to correct" appearance with the help of plastics and various cosmetology procedures. Photos of Sheva "Before and after" speak for themselves for themselves - on old photos and new frames as if two completely different people.

It is impossible not to remember Alex - the graduate of the "Star Factory", which after a series of beauty experiments has changed beyond recognition.

Maria Pogrebnyak is one of the few domestic stars who are not afraid to openly talk about the experience of plastics and all sorts of cosmetology procedures. The wife of the famous football player Pavel Pogrebnyak frankly admitted that she once tried the procedure for increasing the lips, but she did not like experiments with Biogel, and I eventually refused the fillers, advising our numerous subscribers in social networks not to repeat its mistakes.

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