"When the husband was pregnant": Amanda Seyfried shared family photos


Last September, 35-year-old Amanda Seifried and her husband Tom Sadoski became the parents of the second child: the Couple was born the son of Thomas Jr.. During pregnancy, Amanda chose not to post his photos, but after childbirth began to regularly publish photos with the tummy. Recently, the actress shared the pictures taken during the rest on the sea. On one of them, a pregnant actress jumps on the seashore, on the second her husband lies on the beach and sculpts on itself a round belly from the sand. "When I was pregnant / When my husband was pregnant," the Publication of Amanda signed. Besides the son, the actress with her husband is raising a three-year-old daughter Nina.

Last year, the star Music Mamma Mia! Told about the experience of childbirth against the background of the coronavirus pandemic: "It was incredible! I rather rushed to my son to sniff it. Everyone says that sitting at home is madness, but for me it was happiness, because I could be with my son. "

Also, the actress told about his three-year-old daughter: "She sings all the time and acts. Can't silence. And this is good. We do not want her to stop doing this, but sometimes we ask her: "Can you be a little more hidden?" I do not want to stop her, but sometimes it is really too much. "

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