Macy Williams is very pleased with the final season "Games of Thrones"


The fantasy series HBO "Game of Thrones" ended over a year ago, but the discussion of the fateful finals does not stop. It would seem that all the people had already expressed themselves about whether they had to taste the final of the story or not, but Macy Williams, who played the army of Stark, once again touched upon this topic.

Macy Williams is very pleased with the final season

Recently, the actress became a guest of the show Jimmy Fallon, where she shared his emotions about the completion of Westerosa's saga.

It was just an explosion! We liked it. I was so pleased with my final, it's just a wonderful end of the decade of my life,

- said Maysi. True, judging by the fact that she said, in many ways the actress made the fact that fans will no longer turn out the details of the plot.

Macy Williams is very pleased with the final season

Williams admitted that before, even the street could not pass without anyone asked her, which would be expected from the "Game of Thrones". The actress asked about everything: since John Snow (Keith Harrington), and ending with the events from her character. To disclose Messi information, for obvious reasons, could not, so that these conversations only delivered discomfort.

But after the end of the show, the actress was able to take a pause and distract a little from acting, engaged in other affairs that she liked. Nevertheless, on the screens of Macy can be seen quite soon - she starred in the film "New Mutants", which starts in the cinemas on August 27.

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