Screech Shuri answered the question about the Sicvel "Black Panther" without sampling of bousse


2020 It turned out to be difficult for many reasons, and one of the most significant was the death of the star "Black Panther" Chadvik Bowness. The actor colleagues on the film Marvel gave tribute to the deceased actor, and among the first it made a flying Wright, which became very close to the bowesman during their joint stay in Vacan.

Talking about the continuation of the franchise "Black Panther" does not subside, and in one of the recent interviews the actress, the actress was mentioned about the difficult feelings that the discussion of Sicvel arouses.

We are still still mourning a quest, so while I don't even want to think about it. The idea of ​​doing this without him is rather strange. Now we just grieve, so you need to try to see the clever,

- Shared with the feelings of flyish.

Wright comments emphasize what profound relationships are behind the creation of Marvel blockbusters. The audience was used to seeing the finished product on the big screen, but it turns out that it is largely built thanks to the feelings that occur on the set. And it is these feelings that now do not allow close to develop the sequel "Black Panther". But considering what an impressive the original film was turned out, and from respect for the memory of Boustry fans are ready to wait.

Recall that the premiere of the continuation of the franchise is scheduled for May 2022.

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